Radiology PACS


Ranked No.1 in Best in KLAS 12 Times
All-in-One 솔루션
  • PACS, RIS, 3D를 하나의 데이터베이스 플랫폼으로 통합
초고속 영상 로딩
  • JIT(Just-In-Time) image loading
  • Progressive loading
  • Oncall download
  • 64-bit 지원
사용하기 쉬운 UI
  • 직관적인 디자인으로 굿디자인 어워드(2015)수상
안정적인 운영

  • 다운타임없이 안정적으로 솔루션 운영
  • 데이터 백업 및 백업 로딩 지원
철저한 보안
  • 128-bit SSL 암호화
  • HIPAA 준수
  • DICOM TLS (Transport Layer Security)
  • 6단계 로그 강화 및 감사 추적 로깅
국제표준 준수
  • IHE
  • HL7

Radiology Information Solution


Improve Your Workflow to the Next Level
유연한 솔루션 구성
  • 각 의료기관 및 워크플로우에 최적화
  • 사용자 맞춤 워크리스트
스마트한 일정 관리
  • 여러 의료기관의 검사 일정을 직관적으로 파악하고 쉽게 관리
  • 가능한 검사 시간 추천
사용자 맞춤 판독문
  • MS Word로 사용자가 직접 판독문 템플릿 구성
  • 판독문을 팩스·이메일·SMS로 전송 및 인쇄
Physician Portal
  • 주치의가 언제 어디서든 판독 결과 및 영상 조회
Patient Portal
  • 환자가 온라인으로 진료 예약, 진료기록 확인, 개인정보 수정
Mammo Portal & Lung Portal
  • 유방암, 폐암 검사 결과 조회 및 관리

Data Analytics Solution

INFINITT Healthcare Analytics - Enterprise Search

Leverage Your Data to Its Fullest Potential
to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy
실시간 데이터 검색
  • 3백 만 건 가량의 비정형 영상 및 판독문을 0.1초 내에 검색
직관적인 UI
  • 의료진이 키워드 및 유의어를 입력해 필요한 데이터를 직접 검색
사용자 맞춤 검색
  • 자주 사용하는 키워드와 태그를 미리 설정해 편리하게 검색
판독 정확도 향상
  • 유사 검사 및 판독 결과를 검색해 판독 시 참조
병리 검사 결과 참조
  • 판독 시 병리 검사 결과를 참조해 불일치 및 오류 식별
연구 및 교육
  • 검색 결과를 추출해 연구, 교육 등에 활용

Radiation Dose Management Solution


Radiation Dose Reduces by 13%

(Mean Effective Dose of CT – Abdomen studies between the 1st and the 4th quarter of 2015, 출처=서울대학교병원)

직관적인 통계 & 리포트
  • 사용자 맞춤으로 환자, 검사, 신체기관, 나이, 장비별 선량 조회 및 검색
  • Patient Dose Report로 환자 누적선량 관리, Examination Report를 연구 및 교육에 활용
장기 및 피부 피폭선량
  • 환자의 성별, 나이, 임신 여부 등을 고려한 맞춤형 팬텀을 사용해 장기 피폭선량 계산
  • 2D Map으로 피부 피폭선량 파악
효과적인 DRL 관리
  • 권고선량(DRL: Diagnostic Reference Levels) 초과 시 자동으로 이메일 전송
SSDE(Size-Specific Dose Estimate)
  • 환자의 체적에 따라 CT 선량을 계산해 피폭선량 정확도 향상
기관별 선량 관리
  • 기관별 코드로 연계 병원 간 선량을 분리해 관리
핵의학 검사 관리
  • 동위원소, 반감기, 투여량 등 핵의학 검사 정보 관리
검사별 프로토콜
  • 각 장비에 최적화된 검사 프로토콜 세부 정보 제공

Reporting Solution


Save Your Time by Using Prebuilt Reporting Templates
판독문 템플릿
  • 미리 제작된 템플릿을 사용해 정확하고 효율적으로 판독문 작성
키워드 매크로
  • 사용자가 직접 설정한 키워드를 사용해 판독문 작성 시간 단축 및 오류 감소
단일 데이터베이스
  • INFINITT PACS 혹은 INFINITT Cardiology PACS와 단일 데이터베이스를 사용해 데이터 통합 조회, 유지보수 효율성 향상
영상 첨부
  • Key Images, Schema Images를 Annotation과 함께 첨부
솔루션 연동
  • 판독문 템플릿(PDF) 혹은 텍스트 기반의 판독문을 EMR과 OCS로 전송
판독문 검색 & 기록 관리
  • 판독문 내 텍스트로 판독문 검색
  • 판독문 작성 과정을 추적해 오류 확인 및 수정

Fault Prevention Solution


Guarantees Stable PACS Operation 24/7/365
다운타임 예방
  • 시스템 리소스 사용량 및 퍼포먼스에 대해 실시간 모니터링, 알림 메일 전송
자동 복구
  • 서버 하드웨어, 네트워크, PACS 및 Failover 클러스터 상태 모니터링, 자동알림, 서비스 자동복구
예방 점검 자동화
  • 각 PACS 서버에 설치된 FPS Agent 기반 시스템 사용량, 서비스 운영 로그, 이벤트 발생 등을 자동으로 기록, 병원별 월간 서비스 리포트 제공
사용자 맞춤형 관리
  • 웹 기반의 관리자 UI에서 PACS 사용 현황 조회, 관리자 UI 맞춤 설정
원활한 진료 환경
  • 365일 24시간 안정적인 PACS 운영으로 원활하게 환자 진료 가능

Mobile Viewer

INFINITT Mobile Viewer

View Images Anytime from Anywhere on a Mobile Device
실시간 영상 조회
  • 환자 영상을 스마트폰, 테블릿 PC 등 모바일 기기에서 실시간으로 조회
영상의학과 - 주치의 간 소통 강화
  • 영상의학과 전문의와 주치의가 언제 어디서든 원활하게 소통
신속한 응급조치
  • 응급환자 기록을 즉시 확인해 신속하게 치료
의료진 - 환자 간 소통 강화
  • 의료진과 환자가 모바일 기기로 검사 결과를 보며 치료 방법 논의
편리한 조회 기능
  • Window, Zoom, Pan, Hounsfield unit, Cine play 및 Measurement 기능
철저한 보안
  • HIPAA 준수
  • 데이터를 암호화해 영상 공유

Mammography PACS


Optimized Viewing Mode with Hanging Protocols for Mammo Images
유방외과 전용 PACS
  • Digital mammography, MRI, US, Tomosynthesis 영상을 통합 조회
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
  • 동일한 부위의 맘모그래피 영상과 단층촬영 영상을 비교해 진단 정확도 향상
CAD Overlays
  • Digital Mammography CAD를 사용해 병변 발견율 향상
사용자 맞춤 레이아웃
  • 사용자 혹은 그룹별로 영상 조회 레이아웃 맞춤 설정
  • MLO, CC, Tomo 영상, 현재 및 과거 영상 조회
Hanging Protocols
  • Hanging Protocol Loop Sequence로 영상 조회 순서를 미리 설정해 과거 및 현재 영상 비교
고화질 데이터
  • 데이터 압축없이 원본 데이터를 고화질로 저장 및 조회 가능

Cloud PACS


Cost-Efficient Cloud PACS Service Tailored to Your Clinic
사용한 만큼 요금 지불
  • 클라우드에 저장된 용량만큼 요금 지불
  • IT 인프라, 하드웨어, 운영 인력 불필요
체계적인 기술 지원
  • 전문 엔지니어가 서비스 정기 점검, 데이터 백업, 긴급 기술 지원
언제 어디서든 서비스 이용
  • 언제 어디서든 인터넷에 접속해 서비스 이용 가능
보안 강화
  • 데이터 암호화, 침입 방지 시스템으로 데이터 손실 및 각종 보안 문제 방지
  • INFINITT PACS의 최신 버전을 클라우드 기반으로 사용
원격 판독
  • 외부 기관에 판독을 의뢰해 판독 소요시간 절감 및 판독 정확성 향상

Cloud Backup Service

INFINITT Smart Backup

Cost-Efficient Cloud Backup Service Tailored to Your Clinic
데이터 완벽 보호
  • 랜섬웨어 등 외부공격 및 자연재해로 인한 데이터 유실 및 시스템 마비 예방
사용한 만큼 요금 지불
  • 클라우드에 백업된 용량만큼 요금 지불
중소형 병원 맞춤 서비스
  • 솔루션, 스토리지 등이 불필요해 초기 구축비용 절감
보안 강화
  • 내구성 높은 아마존社 스토리지
  • 모든 영상 및 네트워크 암호화
스마트한 백업
  • DICOM 표준 프로토콜을 적용해 모든 DICOM 영상 백업
  • 사용자 설정에 따라 실시간으로 자동 백업
효율적인 영상 관리
  • 검사일, 검사 종류로 영상 검색 및 복구
  • 백업 현황 모니터링 및 통계 기능

TeleRadiology Solution

INFINITT TeleRadiology

Enjoy High Quality Remote Reading
through INFINITT TeleRadiology
전문 원격 판독
  • 세부 분야별 판독 전문의가 정확하고 신속하게 원격 판독
응급 원격 판독
  • 영상의학과 전문의 부재 혹은 응급 환자 발생 시 원격 판독 서비스 제공
체계적인 기술지원
  • 솔루션 정기 점검, 긴급 기술 지원
보안 강화
  • 데이터 암호화, 침입 방지 시스템으로 데이터 손실 및 각종 보안 문제 방지
  • INFINITT PACS의 최신 버전을 클라우드 기반으로 사용
국제표준 준수
  • IHE
  • HL7
Contact us

UKRC 2018


INFINITT Healthcare (“INFINITT” or “we”) strictly abides by all domestic and overseas privacy legislations including information network laws (for encouraging use of information network and protecting the information), privacy laws, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), etc. This is an overview of how INFINITT collects, uses, discloses and disposes personally identifiable information of visitors (“users” or “you”) of our website. We ask you to agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions by checking “I have read and agreed to the privacy policy.” (in the Contact Us page or inquiry pop-ups). The information we collect upon your approval will be used for the management of INFINITT website. You are not to provide the personal information we request, but please note that if you choose not to, your access to services provided by INFINITT can be limited.



Collection of Personal Information


INFINITT collects the following information in order to provide the most appropriate and convenient services to our users.

The following information are collected from sales inquiries, product searches and exhibition scheduling, etc:

  • Contact Us
    Required(*): Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number
    Optional: Solution/Service of Interest, Comments
  • Case Study
    Required(*): Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number
    Optional: Solution/Service of Interest, Comments
  • Exhibition
    Required(*): Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number, Attending Exhibition, Date of Preference
    Optional: Solution/Service of Interest, Comments  


The following information are automatically collected from users and anonymized for any user-specific or device-specific data:

  • IP Address*, Cookies**, Records of Service Usage***, Records of Misuse, Device Information, ADID and IDFA information automatically collected from service usage.
    *IP(Internet Protocol) Address is online address information assigned to each PC or device using the internet.
    **Cookies are very small-sized text files saved in the user’s PC at the point of website access through a web browser. Next time the user accesses the website, the website server reads these cookie files and provides the same service settings as before. The user can choose to allow automatic cookie saves, to check each time a cookie is saved, or to reject cookie saves entirely. Please note that rejecting cookie saves could result in your inconvenience.
    ***Records of Service Usage are logs of: date of access, list of services used, and any normal/abnormal logs generated during usage.  


INFINITT uses Clicky* web analytics to log and analyze the traffic to our website. A unique ID tracking cookie is used for the legitimate purpose of identifying unique visitors. The following information are collected:

  • URL & title of pages viewed
  • URL & title of any links that are clicked on pages viewed
  • Referrer
  • Browser language
  • Screen resolution
  • x/y coordinates of mouse events
  • Unique ID tracking cookie (UID)
  • IP Address
  • Custom data**
  • *Clicky’s privacy policy here
  • **Custom data details here



Use of Personal Information


INFINITT uses the collected information to provide, maintain and improve our services, to develop new services, and to protect INFINITT and our users.

  • We may announce the release of new products, software updates and corporate news using the collected information.
  • We may develop, manage, provide and improve our products, services, contents and advertisements, and also prevent loss and fraud using the collected information.
  • We may identify individual users and/or appropriate services for users using the collected information.
  • We may notify important changes made to policy statements or terms and conditions using the collected information.
  • We may use the collected information for internal use such as audit, data analysis and research for the purpose of improving INFINITT products and services. All the information collected will only be used for purposes set out by this Privacy Policy. For purposes outside of this Policy, we will ask for your consent in advance.

All the information collected will only be used for purposes set out by this Privacy Policy. For purposes outside of this Policy, we will ask for your consent in advance.



Disclosure of Personal Information


For disclosure of personal information to third parties, INFINITT will ask for your consent in advance and notify you individually of the following: to whom the information is disclosed, their key businesses, specific items of information to be disclosed, and purpose of the disclosure.


For the following cases, we may disclose your personal information upon obtaining your consent through a legitimate process.

  • Partnership: we may share your personal information with strategic partners for the provision of better INFINITT services. In such cases, we will notify you individually in advance of the following information: name of the partner company, items of personal information to be disclosed, purpose of the disclosure, period of retention, and privacy protection procedures. We will never disclose any information without your consent, and we will also notify you of any changes to or termination of the partnership. Once the partnership is terminated, we will dispose of your personal information unless you agree to its retention. Even if you agree to its retention, you may withdraw your consent at anytime.
  • Subcontracting: we may subcontract the handling of your personal information for smoother business operations and provision of better services. In such cases, we will notify you in advance of the following information: name of the subcontractor, scope of personal information to be disclosed, and purpose, period and process of subcontracting.
  • Sales, M&A: in case the rights and obligations of INFINITT service provider is succeeded or transferred, we will notify you in advance and grant you the right to choose whether or not to withdraw your consent to INFINITT’s use of personal information.


For the following cases, we may disclose your personal information without your consent.

① When you already agreed to disclosure of your personal information.

② When you caused psychological and/or material damages to others in using INFINITT services, and there is strong enough evidence to mandate the disclosure of your personal information to enforce subsequent legal actions.

③ When we anonymize personal information for statistics, academic or market research purposes.

④ When by law, legal process and/or governmental authorities for investigative purposes.



Whom we disclose your information to


INFINITT may disclose your personal information to domestic and overseas branches, affiliates and partners for the provision of better INFINITT services.


To Whom


Information to be disclosed

Period of Retention & Use

INFINITT Healthcare Co., Ltd.



Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number, Solution/Service of Interest, Attending Exhibition, Date of Preference, Comments

Until the cancellation of your membership or the termination of subcontract

CO., Ltd.

System development and operation

Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number, Solution/Service of Interest, Attending Exhibition, Date of Preference, Comments, IP Address, Cookies, Date of Consent, Date of Access, Period of Service Usage, Records of Service Usage, Records of Misuse, Statistics



The Rights of Users & Legal Representatives


Users and their legal representatives may request through email or in writing to access or modify personal information and to withdraw consent to the collection and use of personal information.


If you request to correct an error in your collected personal information, we will not use or disclose your information until the correction has been made. If we have already disclosed inaccurate personal information to third parties, we will notify them as soon as the correction has been made. In response to a request for disposal of information, we will handle your personal information as stipulated in the “Period of retention & use” and make sure that it is not accessed or used for any other purposes.


By rule, we do not collect personal information of children under the age of 14 for whom we need consent from their legal representatives. If personal information of children under the age of 14 has been collected, their legal representatives have the rights to access, modify, or withdraw the consent to the collection and use of their information.



Management of Personal Information


Period of retention & use

By rule, INFINITT will dispose of your personal information when you request for the disposal or once the purpose of collection and usage has been fulfilled. But when there is a need for retention due to internal policies and/or subordinate legislation, we will keep your information for the period specified in the legislation.

  • We will keep minimum information and usage history for the period set by law such as the commercial law, for cases where retention of personal information is.
  • We will keep your personal information for cases where we announced the retention period in advance and/or where we obtained your consent to retention.
  • For the following cases, we may keep your information for the specified period:

① Records on sales/product inquiries or searches, withdrawal from contracts/subcontracts, customer complaints or dispute handling: 5 years (Consumer Protection in E-commerce)

② Records on website visits: 3 months (Protection of Communications Secrets Act)

③ Records on customer complaints or dispute handlings: 3 years (Consumer Protection in E-commerce)

④ To prevent user activities based on impure motives and to secure evidential materials in case of disputes: 3 months temporary retention (from the day of consent withdrawal)

⑤ Evidential records for a violation of internal policies (i.e. Illegal usage history): 1 year



By rule, INFINITT will dispose of your personal information once the purpose of collection and usage as well as the legal and business needs have been fulfilled. Paper documents containing personal information will be completely shredded. Electronic documents containing personal information will be destroyed to a point where it is impossible to technically restore the file.



Policy Changes


INFINITT may update its Privacy Policy from time to time. However, we do not reduce your rights stated in this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. Any changes made to the Privacy Policy will be updated on this page.



Information Security Measures


INFINITT strives to provide services that you can trust and rely on. We promise to commit to the protection of your information.

  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO/IEC 27001 is the highest international standard for assessing information security management.

INFINITT received the certification for ISO/IEC 27001 in 2016 and has been qualified ever since.


HIPAA is an act enacted to strengthen privacy, security, and reliability of health information in the United States. INFINITT adheres to all of HIPAA requirements from the early stages of product design.

  • ISO 27701:2019

ISO 27701:2019 is an international management system standard for managing personal information.

In efforts to comply with GDPR and to effectively manage and protect personal information, INFINITT received the certification for ISO 27701:2019 in 2018 and has been qualified ever since.



Contact Us


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or INFINITT’s privacy practices, please contact us at:


Privacy Practice Manager

Sangwook Choi (CISO)



Website Manager

Yujin Jeong

Marketing Communications



For additional counselling on infringement of personal information, please contact the following organizations:

  • Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee / 118 (without national code)
  • Personal Information Protection Commission / 118 (without national code)
  • Forensic Science Investigation Department, Supreme Prosecutors’ Office / 02-3480-3571
  • Cyber Bureau, National Police Agency / 182 (without national code)



Last updated on on April 3, 2019
*You can check the previous version of our privacy policyhere



Contact Us


INFINITT Healthcare (“INFINITT” or “we”) strictly abides by all domestic and overseas privacy legislations including information network laws (for encouraging use of information network and protecting the information), privacy laws, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), etc. This is an overview of how INFINITT collects, uses, discloses and disposes personally identifiable information of visitors (“users” or “you”) of our website. We ask you to agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions by checking “I have read and agreed to the privacy policy.” (in the Contact Us page or inquiry pop-ups). The information we collect upon your approval will be used for the management of INFINITT website. You are not to provide the personal information we request, but please note that if you choose not to, your access to services provided by INFINITT can be limited.



Collection of Personal Information


INFINITT collects the following information in order to provide the most appropriate and convenient services to our users.

The following information are collected from sales inquiries, product searches and exhibition scheduling, etc:

  • Contact Us
    Required(*): Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number
    Optional: Solution/Service of Interest, Comments
  • Case Study
    Required(*): Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number
    Optional: Solution/Service of Interest, Comments
  • Exhibition
    Required(*): Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number, Attending Exhibition, Date of Preference
    Optional: Solution/Service of Interest, Comments  


The following information are automatically collected from users and anonymized for any user-specific or device-specific data:

  • IP Address*, Cookies**, Records of Service Usage***, Records of Misuse, Device Information, ADID and IDFA information automatically collected from service usage.
    *IP(Internet Protocol) Address is online address information assigned to each PC or device using the internet.
    **Cookies are very small-sized text files saved in the user’s PC at the point of website access through a web browser. Next time the user accesses the website, the website server reads these cookie files and provides the same service settings as before. The user can choose to allow automatic cookie saves, to check each time a cookie is saved, or to reject cookie saves entirely. Please note that rejecting cookie saves could result in your inconvenience.
    ***Records of Service Usage are logs of: date of access, list of services used, and any normal/abnormal logs generated during usage.  


INFINITT uses Clicky* web analytics to log and analyze the traffic to our website. A unique ID tracking cookie is used for the legitimate purpose of identifying unique visitors. The following information are collected:

  • URL & title of pages viewed
  • URL & title of any links that are clicked on pages viewed
  • Referrer
  • Browser language
  • Screen resolution
  • x/y coordinates of mouse events
  • Unique ID tracking cookie (UID)
  • IP Address
  • Custom data**
  • *Clicky’s privacy policy here
  • **Custom data details here



Use of Personal Information


INFINITT uses the collected information to provide, maintain and improve our services, to develop new services, and to protect INFINITT and our users.

  • We may announce the release of new products, software updates and corporate news using the collected information.
  • We may develop, manage, provide and improve our products, services, contents and advertisements, and also prevent loss and fraud using the collected information.
  • We may identify individual users and/or appropriate services for users using the collected information.
  • We may notify important changes made to policy statements or terms and conditions using the collected information.
  • We may use the collected information for internal use such as audit, data analysis and research for the purpose of improving INFINITT products and services. All the information collected will only be used for purposes set out by this Privacy Policy. For purposes outside of this Policy, we will ask for your consent in advance.

All the information collected will only be used for purposes set out by this Privacy Policy. For purposes outside of this Policy, we will ask for your consent in advance.



Disclosure of Personal Information


For disclosure of personal information to third parties, INFINITT will ask for your consent in advance and notify you individually of the following: to whom the information is disclosed, their key businesses, specific items of information to be disclosed, and purpose of the disclosure.


For the following cases, we may disclose your personal information upon obtaining your consent through a legitimate process.

  • Partnership: we may share your personal information with strategic partners for the provision of better INFINITT services. In such cases, we will notify you individually in advance of the following information: name of the partner company, items of personal information to be disclosed, purpose of the disclosure, period of retention, and privacy protection procedures. We will never disclose any information without your consent, and we will also notify you of any changes to or termination of the partnership. Once the partnership is terminated, we will dispose of your personal information unless you agree to its retention. Even if you agree to its retention, you may withdraw your consent at anytime.
  • Subcontracting: we may subcontract the handling of your personal information for smoother business operations and provision of better services. In such cases, we will notify you in advance of the following information: name of the subcontractor, scope of personal information to be disclosed, and purpose, period and process of subcontracting.
  • Sales, M&A: in case the rights and obligations of INFINITT service provider is succeeded or transferred, we will notify you in advance and grant you the right to choose whether or not to withdraw your consent to INFINITT’s use of personal information.


For the following cases, we may disclose your personal information without your consent.

① When you already agreed to disclosure of your personal information.

② When you caused psychological and/or material damages to others in using INFINITT services, and there is strong enough evidence to mandate the disclosure of your personal information to enforce subsequent legal actions.

③ When we anonymize personal information for statistics, academic or market research purposes.

④ When by law, legal process and/or governmental authorities for investigative purposes.



Whom we disclose your information to


INFINITT may disclose your personal information to domestic and overseas branches, affiliates and partners for the provision of better INFINITT services.


To Whom


Information to be disclosed

Period of Retention & Use

INFINITT Healthcare Co., Ltd.



Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number, Solution/Service of Interest, Attending Exhibition, Date of Preference, Comments

Until the cancellation of your membership or the termination of subcontract

CO., Ltd.

System development and operation

Full Name, Facility/Company, Country, Email Address, Phone Number, Solution/Service of Interest, Attending Exhibition, Date of Preference, Comments, IP Address, Cookies, Date of Consent, Date of Access, Period of Service Usage, Records of Service Usage, Records of Misuse, Statistics



The Rights of Users & Legal Representatives


Users and their legal representatives may request through email or in writing to access or modify personal information and to withdraw consent to the collection and use of personal information.


If you request to correct an error in your collected personal information, we will not use or disclose your information until the correction has been made. If we have already disclosed inaccurate personal information to third parties, we will notify them as soon as the correction has been made. In response to a request for disposal of information, we will handle your personal information as stipulated in the “Period of retention & use” and make sure that it is not accessed or used for any other purposes.


By rule, we do not collect personal information of children under the age of 14 for whom we need consent from their legal representatives. If personal information of children under the age of 14 has been collected, their legal representatives have the rights to access, modify, or withdraw the consent to the collection and use of their information.



Management of Personal Information


Period of retention & use

By rule, INFINITT will dispose of your personal information when you request for the disposal or once the purpose of collection and usage has been fulfilled. But when there is a need for retention due to internal policies and/or subordinate legislation, we will keep your information for the period specified in the legislation.

  • We will keep minimum information and usage history for the period set by law such as the commercial law, for cases where retention of personal information is.
  • We will keep your personal information for cases where we announced the retention period in advance and/or where we obtained your consent to retention.
  • For the following cases, we may keep your information for the specified period:

① Records on sales/product inquiries or searches, withdrawal from contracts/subcontracts, customer complaints or dispute handling: 5 years (Consumer Protection in E-commerce)

② Records on website visits: 3 months (Protection of Communications Secrets Act)

③ Records on customer complaints or dispute handlings: 3 years (Consumer Protection in E-commerce)

④ To prevent user activities based on impure motives and to secure evidential materials in case of disputes: 3 months temporary retention (from the day of consent withdrawal)

⑤ Evidential records for a violation of internal policies (i.e. Illegal usage history): 1 year



By rule, INFINITT will dispose of your personal information once the purpose of collection and usage as well as the legal and business needs have been fulfilled. Paper documents containing personal information will be completely shredded. Electronic documents containing personal information will be destroyed to a point where it is impossible to technically restore the file.



Policy Changes


INFINITT may update its Privacy Policy from time to time. However, we do not reduce your rights stated in this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. Any changes made to the Privacy Policy will be updated on this page.



Information Security Measures


INFINITT strives to provide services that you can trust and rely on. We promise to commit to the protection of your information.

  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO/IEC 27001 is the highest international standard for assessing information security management.

INFINITT received the certification for ISO/IEC 27001 in 2016 and has been qualified ever since.


HIPAA is an act enacted to strengthen privacy, security, and reliability of health information in the United States. INFINITT adheres to all of HIPAA requirements from the early stages of product design.

  • ISO 27701:2019

ISO 27701:2019 is an international management system standard for managing personal information.

In efforts to comply with GDPR and to effectively manage and protect personal information, INFINITT received the certification for ISO 27701:2019 in 2018 and has been qualified ever since.



Contact Us


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or INFINITT’s privacy practices, please contact us at:


Privacy Practice Manager

Sangwook Choi (CISO)



Website Manager

Yujin Jeong

Marketing Communications



For additional counselling on infringement of personal information, please contact the following organizations:

  • Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee / 118 (without national code)
  • Personal Information Protection Commission / 118 (without national code)
  • Forensic Science Investigation Department, Supreme Prosecutors’ Office / 02-3480-3571
  • Cyber Bureau, National Police Agency / 182 (without national code)



Last updated on on April 3, 2019
*You can check the previous version of our privacy policyhere

